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60' arab bath · 30' Bayyah

Begin your Water Journey with a ritual based on natural soapsuds and Kessa glove in the steam room. This is followed by a series of stretches that will help you to improve the mobility of your joints and the performance and recovery of all your muscles. A service which is fully adapted to the circumstances regarding each traveller and their body.
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45' arab bath · 30' bayyah · 15' relaxing massage

Begin your Water Journey with a ritual based on natural soapsuds and Kessa glove in the steam room. This is followed by a series of stretches that will help you to improve the mobility of your joints and the performance and recovery of all your muscles, and it concludes with a relaxing massage with essential oils and the aromas of the Hammam Garden; a service which is fully adapted to the circumstances regarding each traveller and their body.
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Conecta con el universo bajo el espectáculo de las lágrimas de San Lorenzo

09 de Agosto a las 20h